Frequently Asked Questions
How does sand sculpture work?
We get asked this question a lot! Here’s a video that explains the basics…
Your questions answered…
How are sand sculptures made?
Each sand sculpture begins with a pound-up. This involves creating a block of hard, moist, compact sand.
Depending on the scale of the sculpture, timber form work and compaction devices (hand pounders or special jack hammers) may be used.
Once the pound-up is finished the sculptor begins at the top of the compacted sand. The process mainly involves carving and removing excess sand to reveal the sculpture.
A small amount of build-up can be done using a very wet sand slurry. The final stage involves detailing, adding textures or fine features.
Can you use any kind of sand?
You can make some sort of sculpture out of any variety of sand but specific sands will allow you to make a sculpture taller, more undercut, more detailed and longer lasting.
Generally beach sand in WA is pretty useless for sculpting! Brickies sand usually produces a good sculpture result.
Do you add anything to the sand before sculpting?
We don’t add anything. We usually use the cheapest brickies’ sand and all we add is water and muscle power for the compaction.
There is no need any glues or binding agents. This makes sand sculpture an environmentally friendly form of sculpting and entertainment.
How long does a sand sculpture take to create?
The time taken depends on the size, complexity and detail of the sculpture. It may take anywhere from a few hours to a month.
As a rough guide a fairly detailed sculpture using 3-4m3 sand, such as many of the ones featured in our Gallery, will take about three or four days.
Can you build a sand sculpture inside?
Yes! We have completed sand sculptures for indoor venues such as building foyers, shopping centres, pubs and public venues. Let your imagination run wild and leave the rest to us!
How long do sand sculpture last?
Longevity depends on the exposure to weather (and vandals) and the type of sand used. In a sheltered environment the sculptures can last for years.
As an example, the sculpture at Little Creatures Micro Brewery was in place (and intact) for two months because it was protected from the elements.
Do your sculpture ever collapse while you are working on them?
Yes, occasionally we get too ambitious and a part of the sculpture falls down, or someone leans the wrong way. When this happens we are usually able to patch it up to rescue it. That’s why designs are only a guide!
How do you come up with the ideas and themes for your sculptures?
Most of the designs are developed in partnership with the host/sponsor. Starting with a theme or logo we suggest some ideas and then usually sketch up a couple of possibilities.
When the design has been agreed on, the resulting sculpture is usually pretty accurate to the sketch. Sometimes, due to a partial collapse, a technical hitch or a sudden artistic insight, it may be fine-tuned as we go along.
We usually leave a sketch of the design available for people to see when they view the sculpture.
Can you create sand sculptures on the beach?
Well, yes … and no. It is possible to build sand sculpture on the beach but due to the nature of the sand, it’s usually pretty restrictive. Pieces need to be much flatter and less detailed.
And the longevity of the piece is greatly reduced.
How much does a sand sculpture cost to commission?
The cost of having a sculpture made is a question of how large and detailed it is, and how long it will take to create. The larger and more complex the sculpture the greater the cost.
We are here to work within your budget and timeframe though so contact us for an indicative price list.
Planning your next event?
A themed sand sculpture can be an engaging display. Learn more about our sand sculptures events and what they usually entail.